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Get to know about my weekly practice

In this section you can follow how my work is progressing and the reasoning behind it.


I am going to continue with playing around with blender and start making other animations and renders, I might move away from the sheet ghost and focus onto something else, although I cant say I am getting bored of them because I am not. I love the way they look with the different wind speeds you use while rendering. I also love how the colours respond to the different sections of the scene.

I am also going to carry on with the titanic projects, I have quite a few lined up right now, along with other commissions, I am definitely going to carry on looking for a paid job instead of working at Tesco because I need to get out of there. Its a waste of time for me.


Here are some of the pictures in the hallway

There is a painting hidden underneath a sheet on the right hand side

Along with my show I have a series of prints available to be sold along with resin printed sheet ghosts as keyrings.


At first of seeing my space, I was a little set back as I was unsure of what I could do with this space. I couldn't hang anything from the walls or ceilings, I couldn't make a fake wall as I don't have those skills. But I can adapt to what ever space I need to.

I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do with this space, I initially wanted to use a big television behind a fake wall but realised I couldn't, so this was a set back.

I had a projector to use so i used that. I've also never used a projector for my work before either, I am gambling a lot on all my blender work for my degree show but, You got to take risks!

After A few days of playing around with different renders I was ready to start with my place. I got a hold of an old wardrobe which was a slide in place one with tubes and pole.

I had the idea to make a fake wall using this and put a bedsheet over it like a projector screen.

I then started playing around with different objects or things I can add to my space.

A couple of objects I had created, a couple objects I had found and couple objects I had bought.

so this is

A pair of shoes dating back to 1930s

a brick saying 'made in Wales'

a 1970s tape recorder

a lightbulb

tape reels

a covered painting

a couple of scale ghost models


This selection of objects and misc. things need to be played around with in different selections, positions and compositions

Above I am playing around with the lightbulb, shoes and tape player.

I want this collection to be situated near each other as the light emphasises the shoes and highlights the tape recorder.

Each object chosen was selected down to artefacts of the past and present.

I did create a tape loop using the tape recorder but, It wouldn't pick up the sound and couldn't play loud. I did reach out to someone who knows more about sound than me and it turns out id need some sort of step up transverter or something. The similar sound also plays through the projector so I will just go forward with that.

another layout playing with the sheets

playing around with different positions for the pictures of my work up to date.

Here I am playing around with the various sheets I have. they worked great layered over one another. one type was a crinkled sheet underneath and fat one, it only vaguely shown through which I loved because you could barely seen it. i thought "just because you cant see it doesn't mean its not there"

another variation of how It could look.

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