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In this section you can follow how my work is progressing and the reasoning behind it.


Updated: May 13

In this animation you can see another change in my work. I added greater depth to the background by finding translucent images of trees and foliage without putting too much strain on my laptop creating fully rendered trees. It helped me make my image look more sophisticated and realistic as in the past I have just ignored the depth aspect without adding a background that you would see in everyday life.

I also added a mirror to piece, I did ask permission from a classmate if I could do this because I didn't want to step on anyone's toes. The reason I added this is because I was thinking about liminal spaces and how to create a larger environment and Michael Foucault came up in my mind and I remembered reading about how he talks about the use of a mirror as a heterotopia.

In Foucault' lecture "Of Other Spaces," he describes mirrors as both utopian and heterotopias because they are places without a place. A mirror reflects an image that is virtual, yet it exists and has a sort of reality, it allows you to see yourself where you are not. So I added a mirror to the environment, the sheet approaches the mirror and walks into it, then the mirror turns into a rough surface, like it has absorbed the sheet.

There is one frame that I completely love from this render, its where the can see the full detail of the sheet ghosts front in the reflection of the mirror. I think its the most realistic piece I have created to this date.


Updated: May 13

Above is the first animation I have created. You can see in this one it is different to the ones I have created before. The grass sways in the wind and so do the trees. This one was quite challenging because I was still struggling to create a immersive environment but I feel that I have successfully accomplished that. While I was creating this piece, I was playing around with keyframes (keyframes are directions that happen along the timeline which impacts a part of the scene. Colour, movement, etc)

I used the keyframes to make the sheet go from a solid to a translucent along the way.

This gave it a whole new aspect to this piece. I will be adding a soundscape to this piece, for when I upload it to YouTube and the NFC tags.


So I've had some time to think about my work and where I would like it to go even though I have been starved of collaborations. I was to make the digital into the physical crossing over different media. I plan to do this using NFC discs and animations. So I've recently learnt how to create NFC discs and how to programme them to retain information. My first Idea was to have prints created of my animations then hide an NFC disc behind them for the observer to tap their device onto so it could take them to a YouTube video of the full animation, but the price of a square canvas was around £30 each and that's without shipping. So I couldn't commit to that payment as I don't know how many animations I would have and how long it would take to get to me in time. Maybe I can print them off and put them in a picture frame?

Maybe I can distress the picture frame to make it look old?

I can make soundscapes for each of the different animations that can be viewed on YouTube.

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