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In this section you can follow how my work is progressing and the reasoning behind it.


A the title above gives some hint to what I do, I am always playing around on blender and have recently found a new software to use which gives my work a more streamline and quicker way of doing my renders. the software is called Marvellous Designer. This software is specifically designated to making fabric for models and animations. For my work it is 100% ideal and hits all my need of creating a simple typical sheet ghost. This software is also great because I can add a wind effect to make the sheet sway in the wind while proceeding to follow the animation of the rig underneath the sheet. Below are a few saves of the sheets I have created. (on the last one you can see the rig under the fabric)


Updated: May 3

So moving on from last term, I started playing around with liminal space. The reason I decided to play around with this is because I wanted to test out texture mapping, scale and what I could build in blender from the basic shapes it provides. In the image below I wanted to play around with water effects and texture mapping. I downloaded a generic pool tile images and scaled it to fit onto the 'Pool' walls. I then wanted to fill the background with shapes to see how the environment responded to it. I personally find this image okay. It doesn't really 'talk to me' and when people see it they automatically think I made it with Ai which is quite flattering but also offensive in a way. I do really like the colours of the environment and how it interacts with the water. The image vaguely reminds me of some of Salvador Dali's work

This next image was my second test. You can see that I've experimented with different types of geometry and adding arches. With this image I really like how the water looks, it looks inviting, like I really want to swim in it. I do not like the arches though, they need 'cuts' to make it more arched and i really don't like the texture I have applied to the walls either, I think I may have inserted it wrongly so it's not facing the correct direction or I may have scaled it wrongly on the X or Y axis. But I am still learning so its just another rock in the road.

I do not like the image below. The sheet ghosts do not work. The layout of the room doesn't work and the same with the texturing on them. I only like the water effect.

This image below is also adequate, you can see I've attempted to get more creative with the structure of the hallway, adding cylinders to to break the straight walls up. I really like the water in this image as well, with this one I added something called an emitter below the water to light it up to give it that inviting feel and that cool blue/green look, you can also see that in some parts of the ceiling there is a reflection of the water.


Updated: Jan 17

This is a process image I was working on.

Here you can see I added another sheet and more foliage. This image is more on the surreal side of things as there is a huge white block that's the sheets are surrounding.

This is my favourite piece yet.

You can also see I created a new sheet ghost which is very similar to the one I created for my degree show on the undergraduate degree. I am haunted by my own work.

Although in this image the road texture looks too glossy and without any imperfections like any other road, I still think its a strong piece at the lit square in the middle can tell a story. But again I'm not saying what it is.

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