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In this section you can follow how my work is progressing and the reasoning behind it.


Updated: Jan 17

Here is a different setting to the previous post. only some minor changes. I do like this piece quite a lot because of the pureness of the image.

It looks really clean and peaceful. With the next module I will add soundscapes to each piece to make it more submersive.


Updated: Jan 17

In this render I was playing around with the environment.

You can see that there is thick snow on the trees, this is because whenever I would add snow to the scene then render it, it would crash and I would have to retrieve the file from before I added the snow.

I was using a part of blender which I discovered called 'real snow' this was an experimental add on that I assume blender are working on to create it into a full aspect of it.

I might try do it again in the future once I understand this program much more.


Updated: Jan 17

Here you can see Ive started using a different form of a sheet ghost. As I said in a previous post, creating the cloth that drapes over the figure beneath takes a lot of trial and error.

The trial and error is mostly to the setting you have of the sheet you are using. here are some factors that need to be taken into account.

  • The Mesh subdivides (more subdivides = more fabric like and more folds = longer baking time)

  • Cloth settings. There are various settings where you can make the fabric have the same qualities from silk to rubber to leather. even these play a part in how long the baking will take.

  • Collisions. These make sure the fabric collides with the figure underneath. you have to allow it to collide with itself so the mesh doesn't pass through itself.

  • Collisions to the figure underneath. if you do not make the figure underneath a collision, the physics to the mesh will pass straight through it and not collide. If you do add it the mesh will collide, and the mesh can get caught of different parts of the figure and get absorbed in a way. so having to make the figures 'Thickness'? so the mesh doesn't pass through.

  • Actual figure placement. Most of the time once you have 'baked' your piece the final wont be what you would have liked it to be. I found that most of the time the mesh kept sliding off the figure onto the floor, this would've been cool if i wanted that effect, but I didn't.

Its such a long process to get a sheet ghost that looks almost identical to the last one created.

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