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Get to know about my weekly practice

In this section you can follow how my work is progressing and the reasoning behind it.


So I came in the other day to get my work ready to present. I found that the work worked better in small collections of 2-3 pieces. you can see below how ive done this. It shows from a perfectly pristine piece to the most wrecked and deteriorated work.

Here is them in order for presentation.

As you can see, the last 7 images went through various different ways of deterioration, some burning, chemicals, hand cut and some through boiling water and abit of tearing.


Here you can see that Ive stepped out of my comfort zone by going bigger, I think this piece was extremely successful


Updated: May 16, 2023

this piece was quite difficult because I wanted a certain crack to it like paintings made 300+ years ago, but sadly I couldnt get it. The closest I could get was by using crackle paste which said it was translucent but as I applied it to the canvas I discovered It was not and ruined my test piece. In the end I had to apply the crackle paste to a blank canvas and paint on top of it.

this piece looks like it has some movement to it which is quite exciting as the figure looks like its running through a field.

I also had trouble with it because i used acrylic which didnt leave me with much time to play around with unlike oil paint, i finally resorted back to oil as i prefer that process.

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