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Get to know about my weekly practice

In this section you can follow how my work is progressing and the reasoning behind it.


So I've been quiet recently, working on commissions for a little extra money. With the commissions they take quite a while to produce because 80% of the time theyre all hand crafted and with being someone who wants to get all the details correct it can be quite difficult to dedicate time between uni work, work and commission work while also finding time for social.

so following this post will be abit of a catch up.


As I've been researching more and more into hauntology I have found similar concepts

  • Cultural memory

  • collective unconscious

  • Retrofuturism

  • Nostalgia

  • Postmodernism

  • Ruin porn

  • Corecore

Each of these concepts have their own aspects to them but each have the base of a longing for the past.


the cultural theorist Mark Fisher, this manifested itself in a culture industry that became addicted to pastiche and nostalgia, and which could no longer experiment with novel forms and anticipate a future of any substantive difference to the present. Fisher pointed to popular music, arguing that it is trapped in a clapped-out eternal present: “While twentieth century experimental culture was seized by a recombinatorial delirium, the twenty-first century is oppressed by a crushing sense of finitude and exhaustion.

"it is easier to imagine an end to the world than an end to capitalism"

It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of Tory rule

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