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In this section you can follow how my work is progressing and the reasoning behind it.

So I didn't really know what or where to model next, all I know is that It will feature my staple of the sheet ghost.

I thought I'd take more inspiration from them film 'A Ghost Story'. In the film there is a scene where Casey Affleck, now acting as the sheet ghost, wanders through a hallway, coming to a doorway that appears in a wall, but he then turns away causing the door to close. So this was my inspiration for this animation. Below is attached some images of the setting I created. The reason I am attaching these images is because I don't want people to think I've been getting AI to create it for me. Getting Chat GPT to make a scene in blender is extremely hard and It just cannot do it with Python scripting as it also needs lots of personal touches to. The only aspect of AI I use is asking it for suggestions and how to use aspects of blender. I also used it for my blue sky thinking but a different scenario.

Here is the video I made.

Below are some of the screenshots of the workspace and behind the scenes of how I'm making these animations and spaces

Here is the wire mesh of full scene. Its a bit like a film set, you only see what the director wants you to see.

Textured and rendered





So following on from the last module, I thought I'd start with a short animation of my blue sky thinking hallway for inspiration.

as you can see the main board in the background is similar to the one in my blue sky thinking proposal. That's because I'm using the AI generated poster it made for it. Obviously with some changes.

When I created this image I was picturing a cinema setting with a backlit poster advertising the new 'show'

I really enjoyed creating this piece because it was just a simple animation to make, although the specks of dust you can see are quite prominent, that's because I learnt how to create volumetric scatter which was quite frustrating at times but I enjoyed learning how to do it, just like how I enjoy creating all these pieces no matter how trying they can be at times.

Here is the full video. This is my most favourite animation so far.

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