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Get to know about my weekly practice

In this section you can follow how my work is progressing and the reasoning behind it.


Updated: May 15

So since I had a fair bit of trouble with getting a collaboration for this module I will have a go at the blue sky thinking aspect to my project, as if it were a perfect world and I had unlimited money and could work with anyone I wanted to.

So with my current project I want to combine sheet ghost animations, soundscapes, and the ability to find technology with an unlimited budget.


My Vision:

I want to create an immersive, installation that merges hauntology with retro technology adapted into future technology. This installation would feature 2 rooms, one having a a series of sheet ghost animations that float through a drastically changing environment, accompanied by a deeply atmospheric soundscape. The other room being completely white.


The goal is to evoke a sense of the past haunting the present, blending physical and digital realities.

To start there would be a timescale of 8 minutes per 2 people, the same time would be the same for 1 person. Then to accompany the viewers I would hand out specialised glasses which correspond to still images that would be displayed along the walls of the environment. I could accomplish this by taking out a certain layer of a large LCD screen, this layer then being made into glasses for the viewer. I would do this to all the glasses but by removing different layers to the screen so only certain goggles pick up what layer corresponds to.


While the viewer is wandering around the space 'the glasses' would only be able to pick up a certain picture out of a series that are displayed on the wall, (the others displayed images would be shown as plain white canvas) the images they can see, they will have the option to interact with.

If they choose to interact with the image they will be shown a full animation of a sheet ghost wandering through a lurid landscape that over time gets built upon, abandoned, demolished and retaken. This Animation would be on a loop with AI playing a small part by moving around some of the objects in each animation. Each animation would never be seen again so it would become a personal experience.

This idea would be the same for all of the other pictures, all showing a different place and environment with different scenarios running through the animations.


In the next room, it is a max of 2 people at a time. This room would be completely white, with 8 cameras carefully placed around with equal distance. The only objects in the room would be a table with 2 off white sheet folded neatly on top of it, with a piece of paper telling the visitors to place the sheets over their head.

The next step of this room would be completely up to the viewer they could run around, dance, stand still. They could do whatever they want in the space of 3 minutes. Once the time is up, they would be accompanied either back to the start or to another exhibition.

During this time, the room would be reset for the next duo.


The reason for the cameras are for recording the movements of this room to display in the animations for the other rooms viewers, this makes each interaction personal and to never be seen again as each recording gets overwritten by the next person.

Ghost Animations-

Holographs and Projections- I can use advanced holographic technology to create hyper-realistic ghost animations. These ghosts could be interactive, reacting to the presence and movements of the viewers.

Augmented Reality (AR)- Develop an AR application or software that allows visitors to see ghosts through their glasses

AI-driven Animations: Implement AI to generate real-time moving ghosts that can adapt to the recordings of the white room.


I would collaborate with sound engineers to conduct a series of works that can be pieced together seamlessly to create new sounds each time.

Artists I would like to get on board for this project would be-

William Basinski


Tim Hecker

Holy Other

The Caretaker Aphex Twin

Boards of Canada

Colin Stetson

Doctor Flake

Matt Elliott/Third Eye Foundation


Godspeed You! Black Emperor


Trent Reznor

(yes this is a mad collection of artists, but this is my dream team.)

3D Audio Technology: Id get audio systems to create a 360degre sound experience. This would make the soundscapes feel like they're coming from locations inside of the animations. The soundscapes can change with the way that the viewers move in the white room.

Historical Audio Integration: Integrate sounds and voices from historical archives, creating layers of the past that haunt the present soundscape.'

Environmental Design:

The initial designs of the landscape can be created using 3D design software, but then geometry nodes can be created to seamlessly create new environments, buildings, animations etc. This would be AI driven and have a background of architects controlling how the surroundings are constructed for the viewers.

Transformative Space: Id then create a environmental space which has Geographic and environmentalists to construct and design the environment for the AI to feed from.

Mixed Reality Environment: Id get a historian to take part too, by having them direct and recreate historical sites which have been lost to time and have been built upon. This would show the impact the past has on the future.

Future Technology Integration (this part is for fun as I think the above may happen within the next couple years)

AI Helped me with the below section as I do not know the potential future terms.

Neural Interfaces: Use advanced neural interfaces that allow visitors to interact with the installation using their thoughts, this could be done by them wearing Bluetooth(?) patches which links to the memory part of the brain, focusing on the environment they are seeing within their mind. From this, they can have the vision saved so they can return to this memory as frequent as they like.

This could also enable a deeper connection between the viewer and the ghosts, making the hauntings feel personal and unique.

Research and Development:

For this project I would collaborate with technologists, AI researchers, and sound engineers to push the boundaries of what’s possible with current and future tech.

Conduct thorough research into historical sounds, images, and stories that can be integrated into the installation.

End of AI use

The Launch-

I would start by promoting it to a range of highly notable celebrities like Tom Cruise, James Corden, Kim Kardashian etc. I would then publicly uninvite them because it would be fully booked. Then for the next month, anyone that tries to book would be turned away. Telling someone they cant have what they want will make them want it more. This would stat promoting itself. Then just as the bookings start to slow down I would let a select few in, this would be broadcasted on a livestream and banned from news coverage that is funded by the right wing. Why? Because I can.

The bookings would then be limited to 40 a day to build up data for the AI to use within the show.

Then it would disappear almost like a fever dream. All that would be left is the viewers memories.


Updated: May 15

So after all my hard work I have got my final 6 images into frames with their NFC tags implanted into them.

All you have to do is, unlock your mobile and tap the top of your phone on each piece and you will be taken to YouTube where you can watch and listen to each individual track.


Above are some of the books I have been reading. Yes some of them are in my past references but they're just too damn good.


Updated: May 13

This is my final animation for this body of work, I wanted to use a different aspect of blender this time. I decided to use a pinkish emitter to change the colour of the sheet ghost and how the light works within the scene. I have also kept it quite ambiguous with where the sheet is moving to, is it entering another mirror? Is it walking towards 'The Light'? etc.

As this piece is quite close to the sheet, I noticed some of the rocks on the floor merging into the sheet so I had to do a fair bit of editing and re-rendering when I noticed this.

Again I will be creating a soundscape to go along with the animation and hopefully that will work well with the scene and what it features.

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