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A Little Backstory

So in my previous show back in mid 2021 called "Agnitolocus" which translates to "Familiar Being" my focus was on things that might seems familiar, especially after the huge boom of "The image that makes you feel like you've had a stroke"

and the following topic of The Caretakers Everywhere at the End of Time, I decided to put my own spin on this topic. I created a body of work which only I knew the reason and meaning behind each of the paintings with the titles being a starting point. I have not given away what each piece means or any context to what they're about. The reason of this being; its like when you hear a song and think "woah this song is literally about me" or "I can relate to this song so much" then you do a google search of it and find out it has nothing to do with what you interpret it to mean. It takes that first initial feeling away from when you heard that song for the first time. This is something I wanted to do with this body of work. So why is this relevant now?

Its relevant now because I have been doing it unknowingly with my latest body of work. I've been creating a environment in my animations for this 'Sheet Ghost' to thrive in and given the title of each piece that could give a subtle hint to the viewers. Its like Im being haunted by my own past creations and they have leaked into my current work and I feel I need to breathe new light into them. Not only for me but the people that view them too.

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