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More Imagery

After my formative assessment, Paul mentioned he wanted to see more work with lighting and for it to be more weird.

This scene took around 30mins to put together.

What's more weirder than a chair stuck to the ceiling and a sheet ghost almost looking for it. Along with UFO type of lights coming out of the doorways

The image below was supposed to be a camera following the sheet ghost while looking around the hallway, looking out of the window to see a intricate box gilded in gold and white spinning on all its axis. resembling pandoras box. I had also been listening to the audiobook of 1984 and the torture room which features in it gave me the idea to add room 101 to the scene. although I never went forward with the idea because it didn't really mean anything, the thought and process is still there.

Below is my most favourite piece I've created so far. a simple scene of a sheet ghost sat on a bed and slowly standing up, then it playing in reverse so its almost like the sheets are pulling the figure back onto the bed. This piece was inspired by the film Monsters Inc, although very loosely. The colours and shadows in some of the scenes gave me some inspiration. This room took ages to put together, using my own Ikea furniture as a reference to fill the room, along with subtle decorations to fill the wall space with films and media that have been inspirational to me over the past 2 years. Its a subtle nod to those creators and influences.

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