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So I decided to take part in a PHD research day for the current PhD students.

This included being partnered up and brainstorming ideas for their practice to give them a different aspect of their work. To begin with the day, we had to do speed crits. We were sat in two rows facing each other, one side was the PhD students and the other the MA undergraduates.

The PhD students then had 3minutes to tell the opposite their practice and what they're doing, then once the 3 minutes are up, they move along to the next seat and do the same thing again.

This was quite an interesting crit that I had to take part in and only a few stuck with me and some I was thinking 'What? How do I even begin to comprehend'

In the next section I was paired with one of the students whose PhD made my head fall off.

Her PhD was based on smell and how the brain interacts with this. It started off like quite a good little collaboration but as they kept on talking about their practice, I started to get really really confused and kind of 'shut down' as I had no idea how my work and practice could've been integrated into their practice. In the end I ended up suggesting trying music to incorporate into their work. Like what would the tase of a lemon sound like etc. I thought a lemon would sound like static or something very abrasive. I left the session feeling really confused and a bit dumb because I couldn't think of anything that could've really benefited the PhD student, even though I was told that they were the hardest one to have been paired with.

Very hard session.

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